ecostoreHP Refrigerated Counters
ecostoreHP refrigerated counters are industry pioneers in energy efficiency with class A and climate class 5.
ecostoreHP Premium extrA quality
Electrolux Professional boots kitchen efficiency with the ecostoreHP refrigerated counters. It has been raised the bar and now we can offer a whole range of refrigerated cabinets and counters with the unique combination of both the highest climate class 5 and highest energy efficiency A rating on the market.
The HP stands for High Performance because the ecostore is the Highest Performing, most energy-efficient refrigerated counter around guaranteeing extra food safety and extra capacity.

Store more food. 50 extra liters of net volume means 20% more storage than comparable counters.
extrA sleek design
Ergonomic and stylish, ecostoreHP refrigerated counters can be free-standing or built-in to create a streamlined, integrated combination with the Electrolux Professional static preparation.

With countless custom options, Electrolux Professional can give you the counter you need. Ask an Electrolux Professional Partner to create your ideal solution.
extrA food
Food stays fresher for longer with Optiflow smart air circulation and climate class 5 means outstanding performance even in the hottest, heaviest duty kitchens.
extrA savings
with class A
Energy efficiency class A makes a real difference to your energy bill. Ask your Electrolux Professional expert to calculate how much your business can save.

Discover how much you can save on your energy bill
Calculate your yearly saving by moving to a better energy class
ecostoreHP Concept
Space: the extrA advantage
ecostoreHP Concept: Class A in 1 m2. The new ecostoreHP Concept line of refrigerated counters are extremely compact without compromising your energy bill: they are in top class A and in top climatic class 5.
extrA compact
Ideal for small kitchen or when space is at premium. ecostoreHP Concept are the first counters in the industry to combine extra compact dimensions with extraordinary insulation.
271 liters in just over 1m2
Space-saving performance
No need for clearance space and no compromise on performance with ecostoreHP Concept’s front cooling unit.

Optimal food preservation with ecostoreHP
Reduce food waste with Optiflow and climate class 5.
ecostoreHP Premium achieves optimal food preservation by creating a microclimate with the ideal conditions for all different food types which need specific working conditions.

Extra sustainable
Pioneering sustainable business and
environment-friendly solutions through innovation
Electrolux Professional is driving the change, being one of the first in the markets with high efficiency R290 solutions

R290 gas reduces environmental impact and has a less aggressive effect on the refrigerator’s components than older traditional gas.

CO2 is a natural refrigerant*, safe for the environment. It is non-flammable, non-toxic and 20% more energy efficient**, with a heat exchange 5 times higher** than a standard HFC system. CO2 is climate friendly, has no Ozone Depletion Potential and its Global Warming Potential is one.
* available on selected remote models
** comparison based on a cooling circuit using HFC R404A, among the best refrigerants used in refrigeration