How to choose a commercial washer for a small business

There are several kinds of small businesses whose cleaning requirements exceed the capability of domestic appliances, and they need adequate commercial washers: something midway between household washers and professional, industrial appliances. But how far is midway? The market offers different options for these needs, and it’s important to understand which to choose. Let’s see how to choose a commercial washer for a small business.

How to choose a commercial washer for a small business: what should you look at?

There are some important features to consider in deciding which commercial washer to choose for a small business. For each feature, the small business owner should sit down and determine their needs:

1 – load: what is my average load per cycle? The tiers that should be considered are

  • Up to 8 kg
  • From 8 to 12 kg
  • Above 12 kg

Domestic washers can come in 8 kg load capability (an 8 kg household washer is quite big) but they will lack the design and performance needed for a business. The market offers 8 kg washers designed and built as commercial washers that are a good compromise between an almost-domestic capability and the needs of a small business.

The 8 to 12 kg range is no longer considered a household washer but it isn’t a “real” commercial washer either since the load is still quite small for these appliances. Nonetheless, you can find washing solutions that can match professional performance with smaller loads.

If you need to wash above 12 kg, chances are you are not running a small business, so you should look at real commercial washers.

2 – operating time: how fast do I need the machine to operate? Household washers are designed for family timeframes, not for guests in small hotels who need their laundry washed, dried and ironed in 2 or 3 hours. To choose a commercial washer for your small business you need to ask yourself what average cycle time you need. Available solutions can range from 50% faster than household washers to an even shorter time for the full washing-drying cycle.

3 – durability: how long do I need the washer to operate (and how much should I pay for that)?

The average number of cycles under standard operating conditions is the fundamental measure of durability. A household washer normally lasts for 2500 cycles; what are the ranges to choose a commercial washer for a small business?

  • From 2500 to 7500
  • From 7500 to 15000
  • From 15000 to 30000

The first two ranges are suitable for a small business; a commercial washer designed to complete more than 15000 cycles is hardly desirable for small businesses since the performance/cost ratio is way above its needs.

4 – programs and special needs: do I need special programs? For example, disinfecting possibilities: this would be a must for small nursing homes, clinics, veterinarians and even spas. These programs are hardly ever found in household appliances, but are possible in commercial washers for small business, albeit only in the most advanced models.

How to choose a commercial washer for a small business 2024-04-24T09:49:06+00:00 Electrolux Professional