International Customer

Hilton Bomonti Hotel Istanbul

Istanbul, Turkey

Restaurants, bars & cafè

A chef’s role is to produce a symphony of flavours for the diner in each dish on his menu. He is the conductor; his kitchen is his orchestra and each section is made up of his essential cooking instruments, all with a vital role to play in the final masterpiece.

For chefs at the new Hilton Bomonti Istanbul, the largest five-star hotel and convention centre in Turkey, the gastronomic symphonies are inspired by Electrolux Professional.

Electrolux Professional, as a full system provider of food service solutions, installed market leading equipment such as thermaline premium stoves and boiling and braising pans. It also added 15 air-o-steam Touchline ovens, an air-o-convect bakery oven, 60 smart refrigerators, ecostore refrigerated cabinets and refrigerated tables, 20 ice cube flaker machines, a flight type dishwasher, three rack type, three hood type and five under counter washers.

In their entirety, the solutions provided make up the Hilton Bomonti chef’s culinary orchestra, but there is one more piece of equipment that takes pride of place within the harmonious surroundings – the Molteni stove, a Stradivarius among cookers.

The five tailor-made Molteni stoves now cater for the needs of the chefs in the all-day opened restaurant in the Hotel, The Globe, on the ground floor with the rest of the hotel powered by the myriad of food service solutions provided by Electrolux Professional.

The installed Electrolux Professional equipment reigns supreme throughout the 829 room Hilton, including the main kitchen of the hotel, the two banqueting kitchens, a show kitchen, four bars, a café and the executive kitchen.

Hilton Bomonti Hotel Istanbul 2014-12-07T13:37:24+00:00 Electrolux Professional