Accelerate Your Thawing Process
Achieve safe, efficient and consistent thawing for your business.
Freezing does not kill microorganisms, but it does slow their growth. When you thaw frozen food, parts of the outer surface warm up enough to allow dangerous microorganisms to grow. Since it can take more than 4 hours to thaw most food, it is very important to thaw it properly, so dangerous microorganisms are not allowed to grow.

Per the United States Department of Agriculture “Food Safety and Inspection Service Department” a few traditional methods of thawing food are:
In a refrigerator.
Thaw food in a refrigerator at 40 ̊F (5 ̊C) or lower to keep dangerous microorganisms from growing. Planning ahead is the key because a large frozen turkey requires at least 24 hours for every 5 lbs, meaning for a large party you’ll need a big bird of about 15 to 20 lbs (figure 1 1/2 lbs for each person). In traditional refrigerator thawing that means it will take 3-5 days to thaw safely. Small amounts of frozen food — such as a pound of ground meat or boneless chicken breasts — require a full day to thaw.
Under running water.
Thaw food submerged under running water at a temperature of 70 ̊F (21 ̊C) or lower. The water flow must be strong enough to wash food particles into the overflow drain. You must allow running water to run over thawing food product to wash away any contaminants or bacteria that may be removed from the surface of the thawing product during the thawing process. Imagine all the wasted water during the process.
In a microwave oven.
You can safely thaw food in a microwave oven if the food will be cooked immediately. Large items such as roasts or turkeys may not thaw well in a microwave.
As part of the cooking process.
You can thaw food as part of the cooking process. For example, when you cook frozen hamburger patties on the grill, you thaw the hamburgers and then cook them to a minimum internal temperature of 155 ̊F (68 ̊C) for 15 seconds all in one step.
As soon as raw or cooked meat, poultry or egg products begin to thaw and become warmer than 40 °F (5 ̊C), bacteria that may have been present before freezing can begin to multiply.
Perishable foods should never be thawed on the counter or in hot water and must not be left at room temperature for more than two hours.
Speed is of the essence
when trying to thaw foods safely prior to cooking.

The Electrolux Professional Thawing Cabinet is the premium solution for bringing frozen foods up to a temperature ready for cooking.
Safety is key as large volumes are thawed evenly and quickly: up to 145 lbs (66 kg) in just 6 hours!
The Electrolux Professional Thawing Cabinet is designed to fit through your kitchen doors because it’s on wheels while fitting all the food you need inside. Save energy too, in addition to space (compact footprint) and time.
Making the thawing process even easier and safer for you in the Thaw & Hold function. Automatically switch into holding mode (+/- 1°F) at the end of the thawing process. No need to probe food or adjust the thermostat: Thawing Cabinet takes care of your food throughout the entire defrosting process.
The two most important factors in the thawing process — temperature and air flow — are handled through advanced electronic controls and powerful fans.
Quality and safety are assured — meeting all HACCP standards — whether you freeze your food and use the thawing function, or chill it and opt for the warming function. With our innovative Cook&Chill system, flexibility is yours within a lean, safe and completely integrated process.