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We have developed sustainability targets and objectives to support our priorities and sustainability strategy.

Environment and Climate

Our near-term targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1 and 2) and reduce indirect use phase emissions (Scope 3) by 2030 was validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) in 2023.


Climate target for 2030

Reduce CO2 emissions

Scope 1 and 2 emissions from our industrial sites


by 2025 (base year 2015)

SBT logo color

Climate target for 2025 

Reduce CO2 emissions

Scope 1 and 2 emissions from our industrial sites


by 2030 (base year 2019)


Target was reached in 2023.


Climate target for 2030

Reduce indirect use-phase emissions of sold products

Scope 3 emissions


by 2030 (base year 2019)

SBT logo color


Environment KPI´s performance

We place great emphasis on reducing the environmental impact of our business activities. Our main environmental and climate impact occurs during the product-use phase. As our products are used, they consume resources such as energy, water, and detergents. These resources impact the product’s environmental footprint as well as the customer’s operating costs.

Scope 1 and 2 CO2 emissions

Energy consumption

Note: Numbers for 2021 have been corrected *recalculation has been done by distributing the first reported energy consumption backwards to previous years.

Share of renewable energy

People KPI´s performance

Health and safety target

We prioritize the wellbeing of all employees by providing a safe and healthy work environment. We work with a ’zero accident’ mindset, putting safety at the top of the agenda.

Gender diversity 

We recognize and seek diversity in all its forms since it is paramount to our business success that we have a wide and diverse perspective on matters. We monitor gender diversity, and we have clear and cascaded objectives to increase gender diversity.

Health and safety target for 2025

As measured by work-related
accidents per 200,000 work hours


by 2025

Gender diversity target for 2030

Distribution men/women or


distribution across managerial positions by 2030

People KPI´s performance

Lost Time Injury Rate

Leadership diversity


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