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Electrolux Professional prioritizes operational excellence, global standards of conduct, and sustainability.


Committed to the Paris Agreement, we aim for climate neutrality in our operations by 2030. Our focus includes reducing environmental and social impact across our value chain.

Efficient use of resources

In both the manufacturing and usage stages of our products, resources such as water, materials, and energy are crucial. The excessive use of resources and waste generation have detrimental impacts on the environment. We focus on resource efficiency to use resources for as long as possible, working towards closing the loops and reducing waste.

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    In our manufacturing processes, we utilize steel, aluminum, and cast iron. Material efficiency is a cornerstone of our operations, supported by a circular approach. We promote material efficiency by designing durable and repairable products. We offer a range of spare parts to prolong the lifespan of our products. As most of our products are mainly composed of recyclable materials, by designing for easy disassembly we facilitate material recovery at the end of a product’s life and minimize waste generation.

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    Water is essential to our operations from daily factory usage to machinery testing. We implement protective measures to reduce our water footprint by reusing the water within our operations. We actively work to reduce water withdrawal from high-risk water areas. Recognizing the impact of water usage during our product’s lifespan, we have developed a range of low water-consuming products. Additionally, we have set a target to increase water efficiency within our dishwashing and laundry product ranges.

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    We consume energy both in our operations and our product’s lifecycle. We promote energy efficiency to reduce energy consumption in our operations. We have reduced our dependency on fossil fuels such as natural gas and LPG in our operations. To reduce the energy consumption during the use phase of our product, we have developed energy-efficient and low-consuming products. We have set ambitious targets to increase the energy efficiency of our product range.

Occupational health and safety

We prioritize the wellbeing of all employees by providing a safe and healthy work environment. We work with a ’zero accident’ mindset, putting safety at the top of the agenda.


Carbon neutral in our industrial operations - our target by 2030

The emissions from our operations are mainly gas consumption used for heating, HFCs, and electricity. We place a strong emphasis on reducing energy consumption in our own operations and our targets and plans are based on continuous improvement activities, projects, and investments in energy-efficient equipment.


Environmental legislation

The Group complies with environmental legislation and the factories operate according to national legislation, apply for necessary permits, and report to local authorities in accordance with applicable legislation. Our Group environmental commitment is outlined in our Code of Conduct, Group Work Policy, and Environmental Policy. The Workplace Directive stipulates minimum requirements regarding topics such as legal compliance, waste, and chemicals.

Our suppliers are assessed against sustainability parameters, as outlined in our supplier workplace standard/directive.

ISO Certifications

Our target is to ensure that all of our logistics, manufacturing and R&D sites should have a third-party certificate, according to ISO 14001. Numerous sites also hold a certificate according to the energy standard ISO 50001.

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    Legal Compliance

    The operational unit should identify and comply with all legal environmental requirements, including, but not limited to, air emissions. water emissions, ground and groundwater contamination, noise, purchasing, handling, and use of chemicals, hazardous and non-hazardous waste.

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    The operational units should adopt measures to control handling of chemicals. Our Restricted material list, is developed to control chemicals that are banned, restricted for use or substances that could potentially be of concern.

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    Waste &
Hazardous Waste

    The operational units monitor waste to prevent environmental and health and safety risk related to the handling, storage and disposal of hazardous and non-hazardous waste. Our ambition is to reduce the amount of landfill from our plants.

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    The operational units ensure that wastewater is properly treated in accordance with legal requirements, such as environmental permit conditions, or discharged to an authorized external wastewater treatment facility.